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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

My Revised Business Plan and New Youtube Channel

Gosh, it has been almost 2 months again since my last post. I feel like I've almost let this blog die, which I don't want to do. My original intention was to show people ALL the ups and downs of becoming a self-actualized entrepreneur. But I've been so incredibly busy trying to keep the business afloat while the developing the website, that I just haven't had time.

My GoFundMe campaign did quite well in December, with several people stepping forward and offering their assistance, for which I am eternally greatful. It seems to have wound down now, though I will keep it going for a little while longer until I can present my revised business plan to the Business Development Bank of Canada.

On that note, it became apparent to me that trying to get the website established would take a lot longer than I had realized, and it would probably not be possible to do it without some involvement in E-bay, as much as I hate them. So, as I began to realize this, I started to understand that to really get out of this hole that E-bay put me in, I would have to come up with financing to be able to hire employees, replenish my inventory, pay down high interest debts and essentially get a fresh start. To do this is no easy task and would require a thorough business plan.

So around Christmas I started re-writing my original plan, taking everything I have learned over the past 3 years and additional research into account. I have now completed it and am ready to present it to lenders.

Along the way, I have posted videos on my Youtube channel which I uploaded to keep my donors apprised of my progress. However, I think I may continue it and use it to supplement this blog, as it is relatively easy for me to shoot a quick video and to upload it.

Here is a link to the video, I posted this morning:

For those of you wishing to check out my GoFundMe campaign, the link for it is here: