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Monday, July 25, 2016

The Month From Hell Comes to an End

This post today is not going to be a long one, as we are busy frantically trying to count our inventory in preparation for our financial year end, which was January 31. Out corporate tax return is due this month, and we need good financial statements for the bank and our investors. So this week is going to be all about counting stamps.

This is also our first July as a full time business, and we are quickly discovering that it is a very slow month for sales - as slow in fact, as January is. We are not yet sure, how much of this is due to the Canada post disruptions, versus people simply being away on vacation and enjoying the Summer weather. In any event, the slow nature of this month did allow us to get through the hellish conversion from US dollars to Canadian dollars mandated by E-Bay. We basically had to manually convert, one-by-one, 4900 listings to Canadian dollars. It was pure hell and meant that for 3 full weeks, I couldn't list any new material. I sincerely hope that E-bay is done mandating wholesale changes on sellers for a long while now.

Next week after inventory is done, I will post in more detail about how the year and the month of July went, as well as update our progress on the New Brunswick move. 


  1. So I suppose that the accountant counting inventory 5 - 6 months after his year end is like the shoemaker's kids walking around with holes in their shoes......

    1. It wasn't a priority to count everything until now. Much of what we have was rolled into the company from my personal holdings at year end. Our priority was to start listing material so that we could build our customer base and generate cash flow. Counting inventory was the least of our concern then. We kept it organized knowing we could do it in the last week before the tax returns were due.
